February 11, 2021 Advisory Board

Advisory Board Meeting
February 11th, 2021
Virtually by Zoom
Bill Anonsen, Vanessa Almanza, PO Bo Blacklaw, Robin Bond, John Bravender, Mimi Cleary, Neil Kanemoto,
Michael MacDonald, Bill Marhoffer, Peter Pillone, Gabe Nelson, LCDR Josh Williams, and Susan Yamamoto were
in attendance virtually.
1. Call to Order: 2:04 pm. The meeting was called to order by Michael MacDonald.
2. Treasurer’s Report:
a. No expenditures.
b. Neil Kanemoto reported that HOST only needs to submit tax filings every three years. (2-13-21 addition:
2020 taxes filed today)
3. Old Business:
a. State recognition of HOST’s role: pends.
b. Honolulu Harbor Festival: Bill & Mac will set up a meeting with interested parties for 1000 Thursday
4. New Business:
a. Honolulu Harbor dredging is scheduled to begin on February 18th.
b. OCEAN INTERVENTION engine room fire highlighted a gap in harbor firefighting capability. The HEER
Office is taking the lead on this issue. Mac will follow up with HEER regarding how HOST can assist.
c. Mac Reported that Kewitt is now pumping sand from offshore onto the beach in Waikiki via pipeline.
d. March 18th General Membership Meeting Topics:
i. Mac will reach out to Nani @ USACE for an update on Honolulu Harbor Dredging.
ii. Honolulu Harbor Festival input from membership.
5. USCG:
a. Honolulu Harbor dredging starts February 18th. Buoys 3 &4 have already been moved & replaced with eATON visible on AIS-, as the LNM reflects. LCDR Williams will request HOST gets on the USACE bang list,
so that Gabe can update the membership as information comes.
b. LCDR Williams asked for info on the proposed Honolulu Harbor Festival and mentioned that a marine
event permit would be required. Mac explained concept for September 2022 and LCDR Williams will
socialize this with the Response Department Head & CG personnel.
c. Bill Marhoffer reported the upcoming ORRT meeting.
6. State:
a. Peter Pillone reported that there are no updates on the KCT2 project at this time.
b. Cliff Inn inquired whether anything has changed regarding shipping flares from the neighbor islands so
they can be disposed of at H-Power. Robin Bond gave the history of the project & explained that there
were liability & logistical issues that stalled the program. Mac will ask YB bout a gratis shipment, Cliff will
look into obtaining a container.
7. City and County: No updates.
a. John Bravender reported that NWS is hosting discussion meetings with stakeholders regarding potential
changes to the surf forecasting product. Gabe will send out schedule to Advisory Board.
b. Pat Caldwell retired, and the NOAA collaborative forecast has changed as a result. Pat continues to
provide a forecast at https://www.surfnewsnetwork.com/pat-caldwell/.
9. Announcements: Mac asked Susan Yamamoto for help designing a new “IF FOUND” sticker. Discussed problems
with existing stickers: aesthetics, phone number privacy issues. Possible us of QR codes on new stickers.
10. Next Meetings:
a. Advisory Board Meeting: 2pm March 11, 2021
b. General Membership Meeting: 2pm, March 18,2021
11. Adjourn 3:00 pm.

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